This is a cool game but I feel it could be better. There were some gameplay issues and design choices that somewhat brought the experience down for me.
Graphically, this game is very good for a flash game. SickDeathFiend's art looked great and all the animations were pretty smooth, and it was easy to overlook the gradient textured walls; besides they're close enough to a freeway barrier I suppose. There could have been more variety in the zombies/'rines but that's just a minor nitpick, especially when you are usually squashing them anyways.
The controls were good as well, though it would've been nice to move backwards just a bit in some cases or be able to do a stopping turn.. err, stopping "slide," whatever because it was occasionally frustrating when I'd have to deal with an obstacle just because of a tiny pixel. I remember a time where I was on fire and stopped the car for a second, but since you couldn't "slide" or whatever just a wee bit without moving, I had to blow up despite the obstacle only being an inch in front of me.
The biggest problem I have with this game though is the "Retry, build, retry, build, retry until you succeed" method of gameplay. To be fair, I know that a lot of people like that style and its integral to Defense games and such. However it has never really appealed to me, and it made the game a bit repetitive for me. Having to replay sections over and over just so I can get the proper to stats wore on me and really took some of the appeal out of the game.
Like the zombie variety/wall graphics, this next point is more of a nitpick really and since I'm not a programmer by any means for all I know this may not be possible (yet) but I would have also liked to see the road curve on occasion, to add some more depth and even visceral appeal; to maybe ease the fact that you're really playing a merely 2D game amongst other things.
I'll also admit that there could be more artistic license here. Although SDF's art is well detailed and looks great as a whole, there isn't much true style behind the visuals and the setting is starting to get old. I know that it really isn't story based, but I would've still like to have seen a few more ideas flowing in the games universe and visual design. The voice acting, while "good" in truth also kind of wore on me, mostly from hearing it over and over.
It was still fun though. While I wouldn't play it long periods, it is entertaining enough to warrant going back to and I have always had a soft spot for car games where things get squished a lot, hearkening back to my all time favourite arcade racer; Carmageddon. Keep up the good work and I'd love to see an enhanced sequel.