Not bad, but not what I had expected or hoped for.
This was a good conclusion, but not as fantastic as I had hoped. As many others have pointed out it is just far too short and the story doesn't feel complete.
There is no denying that you were going for a retroactive story (For the non-writers: This means a story that is less about what is happening now and more about learning what happened prior and up to the current events.) and you had some clever ways of telling it but even after watching all the tapes, reading the journal, going back through parts 1 & 2 and scouring every secret nook and cranny there are certain things that just don't gel. I don't like giving out spoilers.. so I won't; but let's just say I didn't feel like the story regarding the Cat, OYSTERCLOUD and the young girl were explained well and as good as ambiguity can be, there simply isn't enough even to simply mull over in your mind.
Regardless; the puzzles were good and what substance was there was still very cool, and I loved the idea of the Queen being.. well, a different kind of "queen." =3 Also Hania's song was great, which says something because I'm honestly not a big fan of Hania.