This is awesome. Especially the last one. Doom ROCKS.
This is awesome. Especially the last one. Doom ROCKS.
Hahahahahaha, awesome.
I love anything relating to Army of Darkness! Army of Darkness is one of my all time favourite movies. Evil Dead II is awesome too, but you know what? I actually like Army of Darkness more. Evil Dead II may have had me on the floor rolling, but this one killed me at least 3 times in the process of laughing. This painting is an awesome tribute, mate :D
I've always liked your work. I'm commenting on this one mostly because The Great Mouse Detective was one of my favourite Disney movies growing up... one of the most underrated too. The drawing itself is great, good mix of the original art design and your fun style.
I love the style. It's really cute and your detail is very good, as many have said it has a surprising bit of depth to it. Normally big eyes like that would freak me out in a portrait like this but here you've actually made that style work.
I also have to comment it kinda reminds me of the eponymous character from the movie Paprika..
Very cool!
I love this artwork and I love the concept. B-Movies are ALWAYS the best :P Well, when they are "Good" B-movies.
The colouring and style is nice and its a poster that definitely caught my attention. Is this actually going to be a flash movie?
The idea here actually reminds me a little of the ever-classic 50's B-Movie "Fiend without a Face" where hopping brains terrorize our society by growing eye-stalks and strangling people with their Brainstems.
This is *insert obligatory pun reference to the meme within the picture*.
Very nice
I love the design of this character. The hair, the eye(s), etc. I like pretty much everything about this design, and I won't lie, I love bare feet, ankle bracelets, and painted toenails so those details are nice too. I love the pose and skintone, the colouring is also nice.
About the only thing I don't really like is that while the shine is nice in some spots (Her toenails, bracelets, necklace) it seems like overkill to have her shoulders, knees, cheeks, lips, shining as well.
Beyond that, this is a very nice painting and I love the girl in it and I love the vivid colours.
Terrific painting!
I love it, mate. I have to admit I have a bit of an obsession with this style (so does my wife) and I love the detail and design. I think the only thing I don't like about her design is I don't really like the wrist/arm bands (The shackles) and I'm mixed on the whole cleavage window, I don't know why I'm fine with cleavage when its a low cut top but windows with clothes around the neck feels a bit more gratuitous.
Regardless, the detail and overall painting is very nice. You've got some very good detail here, and for an early designer of dresses that one isn't too shabby. :3 But then again I'm biased since I love the gothic style, even if I may not like the culture too much.
I liked it; I will say that I had no idea it was a song at first (Until the hooks and searching the name) and at first thought it was a poem of your devise; but regardless, it is an interesting set of lyrics and your handwriting, I must say, is gorgeous.
it's a font i made.... unfortunately its very similar to a font on the program i use... saddens me really. but thank you.
Normally this isn't really my thing, but this is a beautiful painting. I think Vash looks a little more feminine then he should, but I'm willing to forgive that seeing the theme and motif. The colours are insanely vivid and so is the detail. This REALLY caught my eye and the sheer beauty and intensity of the colours makes this a quick favourite.
Oh really thanks, also for the fav! And I really appreciate your comment!! I'm glad that you like it! ^ ^
You ever get the feeling like something is in your brain gnawing away at your sanity? Yeah, that's me.
Age 34, Male
Student filmmaker
Shirakawa, Japan
Joined on 10/6/08